Regi’s latest IRO Insight study has garnered valuable analysis and insights into the prevailing industry trends, as it brings together the perspectives and contributions of over 60 experienced Nordic IR-managers representing primarily mid and large cap companies. Through interviews conducted with these IROs, the study presents a comprehensive overview of the current landscape, offering a wealth of valuable information to stakeholders and industry professionals alike.

According to the survey the average annual salary among IR managers in large and mid-cap companies is approximately 150,000 euros. This suggests that a substantial portion of the IR-managers in the Nordic region may be receiving relatively modest compensation for their roles and responsibilities.

Among the notable findings, the study reveals that 49 percent of the interviewed IROs report directly to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), underscoring the CFO’s vital role in the IR function. Furthermore, when it comes to budget allocation, it becomes evident that the majority of the resources are dedicated to salary expenses for IR-employees.

To attain larger interest from investors, the study delves into the strategies employed by IR-teams. Only 9 percent of respondents prioritize media coverage and visibility, while 32 percent allocate more time for meetings with investors and buy-side analysts. Additionally, 25 percent of IROs focus on roadshows and similar events as a means to attract investor attention.

The study also highlights the growing influence of social media in IR practices, with 65 percent of IR-managers utilizing social media to some extent for their IR efforts. Moreover, an additional 7 percent are planning to incorporate social media into their IR strategies, reflecting the evolving communication landscape.

When considering the factors that affect investors’ decision-making, the study reveals that trustworthiness, encompassing top management, CEO, CFO, and IRO, emerges as the most important aspect. On the other hand, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) rank as the least influential factors according to the perspectives of the interviewed IROs.

Regi’s IRO Insight Study 2023 has shed light on key insights into Nordic IR-manager practices, providing valuable analysis of industry trends. The study equips industry professionals and stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of the current IR landscape, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

For further details and a comprehensive analysis of the study’s findings, please contact:

Robert Skölfman
+46 70 770 5385

Clara Karlsson
Project Manager – Marketing & Communication


About Regi

Regi Research & Strategy is a consulting company that put focus on development within selected industries. Based on deep insight from research, the studies contribute to quality assurance and business development for our clients in investor relations.