During the spring of 2016 an agreement was made between Stockholm School of Economics and Regi Research & Strategi. The agreement gives Stockholm School of Economics access to Regi’s data from IR Nordic Markets for research within their Department of Accounting. The agreement is mutually beneficial as it gives Stockholm School of Economics actual data from 1998 to 2015 for approximately 150 Nordic Large- and Mid-Cap companies. For Regi this agreement facilitates that the data is used to possibly find more and extensive insights about Nordic companies’ financial communication and its effect on the share and the financial market. The agreement aims to result in publications from June 2016 and onwards.


Two initial essays were finished in June 2016:


Hanna Setterberg, Assistant Professor at Stockholm School of Economics

“There is a large academic field concerned with how stock market prices react to accounting information. Within this field, financial analysts’ perceptions about accounting quality and managements’ trustworthiness is of big interest. It is however very unusual to be able to measure these variables and that is why we are very pleased to get access to the data collected by REGI.  Our hope is to be able to contribute to the existing research within this field and these two student essays is a very good start.”

Johan Chasseur, Director of Business at Regi:

“We are extremely pleased about the interest Stockholm School of Economics has shown for our data. Since 1998 we have collected quantitative and qualitative data and observations from the financial market and we know there could be many interesting observations and insights to find in the data besides our own. “


About IR Nordic Markets: IR Nordic Markets is a perception study of Nordic Investor Relations that has been carried out since 1998. In the study Regi Research & Strategi gathers data worldwide from sell-side analysts that cover Nordic listed companies. The analysts are asked to evaluate the IR function at the companies they cover on several criteria essential for good IR, and around 600 analysts participate on an annual basis.

IR Nordic Markets identifies trends and changes in analysts’ perception of the companies’ Investor Relations. The evaluations also result in a ranking containing the best performing IR functions in the Nordic region. But most importantly, the result provides Regi’s clients with company specific feedback which are used to prioritize and improve their IR work.